
Science floriculture reduce medication

Through tillage , can eliminate some pests , pests and diseases is not conducive to the formation of the conditions . low pressure sprayer At the same time , we should improve the ability of flowers resistant to insect pests , such as for rural clean processing plant debris , reduce pest sources , rational close planting, increase greenhouse or shed of air and light , and remove waterlogging , reduce field humidity , scientific formula fertilization , so that the flowers robust growth, improve its resistance to diseases and pests .

Strengthen physical control

In order to avoid the generation of pest resistance , should try to choose physical control . For example, hanging yellow sticky boards can be used to trap and kill aphids and leaf miner , hanging silver shop in the field aphid repellent membrane , while increasing light intensity . Advantage of the many nocturnal insects phototaxis characteristics, hand sprayers the light trapping , predator trapping and other methods to eliminate pests, insect nets can also be used to reduce the probability of occurrence of pests .

