
Paddy herbicide phytotoxicity main treatment measures

 1 irrigation detox . Soil caused due to excessive pesticide phytotoxicity , can be repeatedly washed irrigation fields . 2 agricultural sprayer wash seedlings . Concentration is too large , or the use of foliar injury caused by excessive absorption , continuous spray rinse , reduce the concentration of the drug on the rice plants .
3 antidote . According to the nature of the injury , the choice of appropriate drug detoxification remedy. Some Plant Growth Regulators can be used as a herbicide antidote. Such as spraying modest " 920 " , can ease the extent of the injury .
4 topdressing fertilizer. Timely removal of injured leaves , increasing livestock manure composting facilities , such as urea fertilizer available , can promote root development and regeneration of new leaves .
5 foliar spraying . Yemianpenfei , rice plants absorb quickly . If using 0.1-0.3 % potassium dihydrogen phosphate or phosphorus and potassium fine, Penshibao etc. foliar fruit tree sprayers can promote rice root development , to restore growth .

