
What principles should pay attention to pesticide mixtures

Winter indoor studio disease -prone , spraying more often, many farmers to reduce the frequency of spraying , reduce labor intensity , each spraying pesticides are mixed . Pesticide many species prone to problems when mixed , require special attention. So, when mixed pesticides should pay attention to what ?

First, in order to accurately mixed pesticides .

Most farmers in pesticide mixtures , do not know which one should add agents. Sometimes to join the fertilizer, sometimes to join the EC, and sometimes to join the wettable powder, plus picked up what kind , which is unreasonable. The events that occur because of this precipitation .

Fertilizer and pesticide mixtures in order: fertilizer, wettable powders, suspensions , liquid , cream then added , each adding a stir that mix, then add the next .

Two is to add water after dosing, the secondary dilution.

Currently , there are many farmers when mixed pesticides is to join all pesticide sprayer , and then diluted in water , this approach is wrong.

Pesticide mixtures , not simply together against it. Mixed , you can add the first half bucket of water in the hand pump sprayers , add after the first pesticide mix ; Then, the rest of the pesticide with a plastic bottle be diluted , diluted and poured into a sprayer , mix order forth.

Third, use spray immediately after dispensing .

In many cases, farmers generally will be at home against a good agent , and then transported to shed spraying, when many agents have prepared several hours . Although just with the liquid does not respond when it does not mean you can be set free for a long time , or prone to react slowly , gradually reduce the efficacy .

In addition ,trigger sprayer farmers do not know when the pesticide can not be mixed , best first test a small area . Not only depends on the preparation when there is no response , but also to spend will not cause injury.

