
Choose the right path according to nursery stock and other effective herbicide

Many varieties of herbicides have foliar treatment agent, herbicide and so on. Some apply preemergence weed leaf stage for some weeding . Therefore, according to the different varieties of seedlings and weeds in different periods were selected . Strong resistance of coniferous species such as optional by the nitrofen , Gallant and fruit Haier ; resistant tree species poor choice of garden grass letters, nursery grass net , Butralin , Prometryne so on.

Determine a reasonable method of application , improve application techniques . According to the nature of the herbicide used to determine the correct method . If using glyphosate herbicide , be sure to do directed hand sprayers spray , otherwise it will damage on seedlings . Such as the use of trifluralin , you need to mix the soil , otherwise easily lead to photolysis and failure. Herbicide spraying must be uniform . If adjacent plots are herbicide sensitive plants , will have to take quarantine measures , remember when the wind is not spraying so as to endanger the adjacent sensitive crops . Sprayed drug use bleach rinse the sprayer after a few times and then further use on other plants . Herbicide sprayer is best dedicated to avoid hurting other crops .

Herbicides strictly against the water . Each concentration of the herbicide has the best efficacy . Excessive water , herbicide concentration is low , it will affect the herbicidal effect ; water is too small, the herbicide concentration , high cost , and easy to cause injury ; therefore , spraying herbicides must be in strict accordance with the instructions watered , you can use graduated cylinders , beakers assist weighing, as far as possible weighing accuracy .

In addition, high organic matter content of the soil particle size , herbicide adsorption capacity , and soil microbes and more vigorous activities , drug dose is degraded , may be appropriate to increase the dosage ; while loamy coarse sand , the adsorption amount of pharmaceutical small pharmaceutical molecules in the soil particles are mostly free state ,flower sprayer activity, prone to injury , the dosage can be reduced appropriately .

Most herbicides in alkaline soil stability, not degrade , the latter stubble seedlings produce injury , should be sprayed on the type of soil in advance as possible , and use caution.

