
Classification of water mist extinguishing system

Mist nozzles, containing one or more orifices, means can be atomized droplets, which is the most critical parts of the system.

Produce water mist nozzles principle particles of the following five methods, the liquid with respect to the surrounding air is released at high speed, because the speed difference between the liquid and air and water particles to be shredded; liquid touch to a fixed surface, to produce water particles due to collision; two shares a similar flow components collide particles per water flow are formed; electronic ground vibration or liquid particles into water (ultrasound and electrostatic atomizer); liquid in a pressure vessel is heated to above its boiling point, atmospheric pressure is suddenly released to the state (liquid sprayer burst).
Hydraulic calculation, low-pressure system similar to the ordinary sprinkler system, according to Hazen-Williams formula, medium pressure, high pressure system according to Darcy-Weishach formula. As the flow rate, temperature, viscosity and pipe roughness coefficient greatly affect the degree of turbulence of water, thus affecting the pipeline pressure loss, and HW parameters of the above formula can not be amended. Under normal circumstances, especially in high-pressure water mist system, compared with low pressure water mist systems are more prone to higher flow rates.

Water mist system works with water sprayer system is similar to a typical system works: automatic startup state, the protection zone set up multiple detectors, when a fire occurs, the system control panel to accept the signal detector detects movement, spray the fire area; manually start state, the protection zone set up multiple detectors, when a fire occurs, the detector alarm signal or personnel at the scene confirmed the fire, open fires in the area recently set manually at boot device ( Manual and automatic switching type), start the water mist system to spray the fire area.
Water mist system is similar to automatic sprinkler, fixed water spray, carbon dioxide and halon fire extinguishing system, in many ways, these systems can be seen as comprehensive. In general, water mist system is the use of water as extinguished, fire suppression and control of the media, but different from the traditional way to achieve.

