
Season farm maintenance needs attention

Fall harvest has been completed, farm storage should be timely maintenance in order to keep it in good technical condition and prolong life, we must do a good job, "seven defense",portable power sprayer  namely:
Corrosion: Corrosion damage not only metals, but also to other metals have great damage effects, causing corrosion of the water causes corrosion and oxidation chemical action of acids. Prevent corrosion of ways, first make farm machinery to keep dry; two acids is carried out exclusively custody; or agricultural smear acid substances to protect them.
Rust: Severe corrosion will destroy the strength of parts, causing a loss of performance. Mainly due to corrosion caused by water and metal oxidation. To prevent the metal does not rust on the metal surface to be coated with anti-embroidered agent. Short-term storage of waste oil can also be applied rust.
Fire. Flammable materials warehouse or storage space to keep away from ignition sources, and should have fire extinguishers, sand, water tanks and other fire-fighting equipment.
Anti-moisture. Wet corrosion prone metal and other materials corrosion, electrical equipment, particularly large role in the loss. Therefore, the metal parts, materials and generators, motors and other electrical equipment to be placed in indoor storage,manual sprayer to keep dry and ventilated to prevent moisture.
Anti-deformation. For easy bending wood pieces, bumper parts, etc., use shelf stable support pad, avoid sun exposure; pair of variable load or gravity bending deformation of parts required to produce a reasonable place.
Anti-cracking. Cold season, low temperatures, cooling water and other liquids present in the body is easy to freeze, resulting in volume expansion, cracking components. Thus, after the job should be put to the service of the engine cooling water.
Against loss and theft. Farm machinery or spare parts for safekeeping and necessary tools to do ground inspection, ground cleaning, ground maintenance, ground inventory. In addition, good security work equipment, to prevent others from theft and vandalism.

